Here we are in week 16 of our pregnancy. Our baby is just under 5" in length now, according to the "Your Pregnancy week by week" book. So far, you have gained 1.5 lbs in this pregnancy. Yes, I'm keeping track in the book for a permanent record for all time!!!
Following are "Tips of the Week"
1 & 2 - Over-the-counter (OTC) pregnancy tests are reliable and can be positive as early as 10 days post conception.
3 - Talk w/ your doctor before starting an exercise program.
4 - 2nd hand smoke is bad. Ask those around you who smoke, to refrain from smoking around you.
5 - Be careful of OTC cough and cold remedies, some contain up to 25% alcohol.
6 - If you have questions, feel free to call the doctor's office.
7 - Don't take OTC's for more than 48 hours.
8 - Wash your hands thoroughly to avoid the spread of bacteria and viruses.
9 - a tip about getting a perm, which neither of us get :-)
10 - It is common to have tingly breasts or sore breasts, it may be one of the 1st signs of pregnancy
11 - Get a picture of your ultrasound test
12 - Drink lots of fluids to stay properly hydrated
13 - Cut down on caffeine, noting that caffeine comes in many common foods
14 - Tell all your various doctor appointments that you are pregnant, it may change how they treat you
15 - Start sleeping on your side, use a pillow between your legs if it helps
16 - You may need to change your diet to be more nutritious and/or because certain foods can make you sick
Following are the "Dad Tips"
1 & 2 - Give your wife a lot of hugs. Many women enjoy hugging and cuddling during this very special time.
3 - Bring home flowers for no special occasion.
4 - Read with your wife from your favorite pregnancy book, to know what is happening each week in your pregnancy.
5 - Clean or Vacuum the house without being asked.
6 - Bring home your wife's favorite dinner or cook it yourself.
7 - Buy a present for your wife and the baby
8 - Tip about pets, which we don't have, so I'm skipping this week's tip
9 - Attend doctor appointments with your wife, when possible
10 - pregnancy sex? usually it is alright, but talk to your doctor if you're concerned
11 - Enjoy the pregnancy with your wife, it only happens a few times in your life.
12 - You may be able to hear the heartbeat, so tape record it to preserve it
13 - Exercise with your wife
14 - When leaving town, call your wife daily, let her know you love her and you are thinking about her and the baby
15 - When leaving town, ask friends and family members to check on your wife for you
16 - Share your concerns with your wife, you both are probably overwhelmed about things, talk through this monumental life change together
And the ever popular Exercises
3 - wall pushups - develops upper-back, chest and arm strength and relieves lower-leg tension
4 - Indian sitting style leg presses - develops pelvic-floor strength and quadricep strength
5 - chair squats - strengthens hip, thigh and buttock muscles
6 - chair lunges - strengthens hip, thigh and buttock muscles
7 - leg stretches - stretches hamstrings and thighs
8 - Indian style breathing exercises - relaxes and relieves upper back and tension in shoulders, neck and back
9 - leg swings - tones leg muscles and buttock muscles
10 - cat stretches - increases flexibility and stretches back and tummy muscles
11 - leg lift arched back stretch - relieves back tension and increases blood flow to the feet
12 - laying side leg lifts - tone and strengthen hip, buttock and thigh muscles
13 - kettle bell type lifts - strengthen back and shoulder muscles
14 - Kegel exercises
15 - stretching
16 - Indian style ab crunches - strengthens stomach muscles and keeps lower back and spine strong
So, how have I been doing on the Dad tips? I know I've nailed some and completely fallen off the boat on others.
I love you dearly. I pray for you often.
- Me
Just a little ditty, 'bout Steve and Rebecca. This is about our life, our marriage, our coming baby, and whatever else we feel like writing.
1st Anniversary North Carolina
North Carolina 1st Anniversary
Monday, February 28, 2011
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Exam Weeks
So Rebecca has entered her two week stretch of intensive exam. She was given 10 questions and needs to work up a paper on 2 of those questions. I have every bit of confidence that she'll do wonderfully. She, on the other hand, has very little confidence. Babe, since you're the only other person to read this, I love you, I know you will do well, I have complete confidence in you.
Monday, February 14, 2011
Valentines Day
Here we are, Valentine's Day. For some, a disappointing "singleness awareness" day, for others, a day of romance, for me, another failed attempt at romance. As Rebecca said, when we plan for romance, it never works out, maybe we should stop planning. First, the plan was to head south to Sioux City for a nice meal out. That was nixed cause Rebecca needs to study. Then, I was going to take Rebecca out to eat, but she wanted to cook me a meal. So, what happened, I got busy at work with a leaking roof and the removal of melting snow and water, Rebecca started not feeling well, my leaking roof caused me to leave work later than anticipated, so getting of the flower for Rebecca ended up happening AFTER picking her up. Then we came home so that she could nap. I'm about to wake her and see how she's feeling. Then I'm gonna eat, don't know how she'll be feeling.
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Well World, We're Expecting! That's right, Rebecca and I are with child. Rebecca is now post the 1st trimester and things have gone incredibly smoothly. We have 1 ultrasound pic of the baby and we've told most of our family/relatives. We're moving on to telling friends and then co-workers. Seeing as it is still plenty early in the process, not a lot has changed in our lives. Rebecca does need the restroom more and I think she's more easily tired than before. However, no other signs and no weird cravings either. We told her folks on the 5th and other relatives later that day. Actually, we got up at 0200 on the 5th and Rebecca placed out bibs and the photo for her folks to find in the morning. Tim got up, normal time to do chores, and was the 1st to see the bibs. Kathy got up and she actually was a bit bummed. She wanted to jump up and down and come down to see us, but we were still sleeping, so she had to contain her excitement. Sarah then got up, and was confused as to the bibs. Melody and G'ma had priceless reactions. Rebecca told them and their mouths dropped wide as they were "shocked". Cousin Eric replied "Heck, that's a good deal" in his normal fashion, which you have to know Eric to understand. On the 5th, we also told the Van Kley's. I whispered it to Kallie, she had to confirm with Rebecca and then she whispered it to Rachel, who shouted "YES". They were very happy for us. Unfortunately we had to email it to Mike and Trish as we couldn't find them online to skype. Dave and Carol were told next and the rest of the Bogaard and Hagenas.
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