Yeah, so, we're really not certain. We think we are in week 19-20 range, but the ultrasound gave us a slightly different due date, still early/mid August.
We had our 2nd ultrasound on Thursday, a week ago now. Everything checked out well. No cleft lip, no club feet, no down syndrome, heart beating at 145 bpm, basically everything looks normal. We're having a normal baby! We did NOT find out the sex, as we want to be surprised. We have also started talking names, both male and female, but don't have anything narrowed down and we do have a while to figure that out anyway. This book keep talking about where we can feel the uterus. I have no idea what I'm trying to feel around for and I don't want to be pushing too hard on the baby. Is this something we need to know and need to search to find?
I believe we are in week 20 now (at the time of this post anyway) but that could be debated. Besides, the baby will come whenever it chooses, or whenever God chooses I should say.
Our baby is growing skin! Both the epidermis and the dermis are forming layers. Around 20 weeks, the epidermis starts secreting a substance called vernix, which protects the skin from the amniotic fluid.
I'll try to post some ultrasound pics later.
Here's the general updates for both weeks 19 & 20:
Our baby is, or should be, in the 6" - 6.5" range now, should weigh 7 - 9 ounces. I believe they calculated it to be at 7 ounces last week, so again, we're having a pretty normal baby!
Calcium intake should be increased during pregnancy, so I'm thinking we need to buy a cow. Think OC will let me keep a milker in my back yard? We've talked about, someday, having a few cattle, pigs, chickens, a milker probably wouldn't be all that much different, but may be too much work.
Making a will is something we need to do also. I've never done that. I wonder how to even do it? We're supposed to find a "legal guardian" for our child, so that if something happens to us, the courts will know whom to put in charge of our child. Likewise, we need to check our insurance coverages and our investments. I think we're gonna have to consult a lawyer.
Dad Tips:
Take time off from work to spend time with your spouse. Use that time to focus on planning the pregnancy and preparing for the birth of the baby.
Be present for the 20 week ultrasound - done, score one for me!!!
General Tips:
Fish can be healthy food choices, but don't eat certain versions more than once a week.
Ha, I just noticed the pictures of the stretching mommy are drawn with ever growing belly's. Stretching involves stretching one arm over your head to loosen up your lower-back and side muscles. Other stretching involves being on your hands and knees, tightening your core and extending your opposite arm/leg. This strengthens the buttocks, back and leg muscles.
That's it for the baby updates!
Just a little ditty, 'bout Steve and Rebecca. This is about our life, our marriage, our coming baby, and whatever else we feel like writing.
1st Anniversary North Carolina
North Carolina 1st Anniversary
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Sunday, March 13, 2011
The 18th Week
I am late! I completely missed the fact that week 17 ended and week 18 began.
I can't even blame it on the earthquake and tsunami in Japan, as I'm not in Japan. I've been praying for those in Japan right now and just feel so bad for all those affected by the mass destruction that happened in such a short time. As much as having a baby can change your life and give you a new perspective, so to a major world event can make you pause and reflect on your life.
If you happen to have been in OC this Sunday and listened to the message at TRC on "The Prodigal God" from Luke 15, a sermon message with new perspectives and insight can also change how you think about life, your own life. It will be a great 5 week series that the pastor's are engaging upon and I am very excited to see how my understanding of the story changes. If you weren't here, either check out the Tim Keller version, or find the TRC version on our church website.
As for my wife and our baby, she's been feeling well. She can feel little "flutters" upon occassion, which is the baby and movement, or gas :-) Last week Wed-Thurs Rebecca stayed home to work on her proficiency exam and felt a lot of fluttering. Since then, she's not felt much at all, but she has been more active and not sitting quietly, so that can affect her noticing the flutter a great deal.
Our baby "looks much more human now" according to the book. I had to smile at that line. We're having a human!
Dad Tip of the Week - run errands for your wife
Tip for Week 18 - adjust your fitness program as the physical changes in your body demand changes in your routine
Exercise - lunges with arm swings to an overhead position - Tones and strengthens arms, upper back, back of legs and buttocks
The big baby discussion is on the heart and circulatory development. The heart begins to form already at week 3, contractions begin at day 22, with a beating heart visible already (via ultrasound) as early as 5-6 weeks. Ventricles and Atria begin to divide around weeks 6-7. At birth, the baby has to go from depending entirely on momma for oxygen to depending on its own heart and lungs. Blood goes to the right ventricle, the right atrium and the lungs for oxygenation for the first time. It is truly a miraculous converion. At 18 weeks (where we are) ultrsound can detect some abnormalities of the heart.
Some good alternative forms of exercise are swimming and walking. Biking, Joggin and a variety of other sports aren't the best for pregnancy. Horseback riding and water skiing are not to be done while pregnant. I'm glad the weather is getting better, with chances of 50/60 degrees next week, we need to go for some walks.
Iron rich foods are increasingly important during pregnancy. Good foods to include in your diet, if you haven't already, are: chicken, red meat, egg yolks and spinach.
The last great tip for the week was about keeping your urinary tract healthy. I'll just leave it at that :-)
DC is on spring break right now, so I'll be busy with a variety of 'other' tasks. We also have a trip to your family planned including your cousins' wedding next weekend.
Loving You
I can't even blame it on the earthquake and tsunami in Japan, as I'm not in Japan. I've been praying for those in Japan right now and just feel so bad for all those affected by the mass destruction that happened in such a short time. As much as having a baby can change your life and give you a new perspective, so to a major world event can make you pause and reflect on your life.
If you happen to have been in OC this Sunday and listened to the message at TRC on "The Prodigal God" from Luke 15, a sermon message with new perspectives and insight can also change how you think about life, your own life. It will be a great 5 week series that the pastor's are engaging upon and I am very excited to see how my understanding of the story changes. If you weren't here, either check out the Tim Keller version, or find the TRC version on our church website.
As for my wife and our baby, she's been feeling well. She can feel little "flutters" upon occassion, which is the baby and movement, or gas :-) Last week Wed-Thurs Rebecca stayed home to work on her proficiency exam and felt a lot of fluttering. Since then, she's not felt much at all, but she has been more active and not sitting quietly, so that can affect her noticing the flutter a great deal.
Our baby "looks much more human now" according to the book. I had to smile at that line. We're having a human!
Dad Tip of the Week - run errands for your wife
Tip for Week 18 - adjust your fitness program as the physical changes in your body demand changes in your routine
Exercise - lunges with arm swings to an overhead position - Tones and strengthens arms, upper back, back of legs and buttocks
The big baby discussion is on the heart and circulatory development. The heart begins to form already at week 3, contractions begin at day 22, with a beating heart visible already (via ultrasound) as early as 5-6 weeks. Ventricles and Atria begin to divide around weeks 6-7. At birth, the baby has to go from depending entirely on momma for oxygen to depending on its own heart and lungs. Blood goes to the right ventricle, the right atrium and the lungs for oxygenation for the first time. It is truly a miraculous converion. At 18 weeks (where we are) ultrsound can detect some abnormalities of the heart.
Some good alternative forms of exercise are swimming and walking. Biking, Joggin and a variety of other sports aren't the best for pregnancy. Horseback riding and water skiing are not to be done while pregnant. I'm glad the weather is getting better, with chances of 50/60 degrees next week, we need to go for some walks.
Iron rich foods are increasingly important during pregnancy. Good foods to include in your diet, if you haven't already, are: chicken, red meat, egg yolks and spinach.
The last great tip for the week was about keeping your urinary tract healthy. I'll just leave it at that :-)
DC is on spring break right now, so I'll be busy with a variety of 'other' tasks. We also have a trip to your family planned including your cousins' wedding next weekend.
Loving You
Friday, March 4, 2011
Other updates
In non-pregnancy related news:
-the plants I planted in the DC greenhouse aren't growing all that quickly. One has definitely taken off, another has died, the majority however are just kind of there. Good thing I didn't have specific plans for them.
-the site to register for the Elim Christian Services 5K run is now up. I still have to go and register. If you want to join us, it is the 2nd weekend in May. I've also registered for a Warrior Race in Minnesota that is a 5K obstacle run.
-we're headed to the Franje farmstead over Spring Break for the wedding of Nate and Mandy
-I've picked up teaching of Sunday School to the Jr/Sr class and we're doing a Ray Vander Laan series
-I'm still no speedster in the mile, but I have now been able to run it in under 10 minutes on multiple tries. My second mile time is also diminishing, and this is all while being stuck inside. I can't wait for it to get warmer.
-we had a meal prepared for us by the Deek's and it is really tasty
That's about all I can think of for now.
-the plants I planted in the DC greenhouse aren't growing all that quickly. One has definitely taken off, another has died, the majority however are just kind of there. Good thing I didn't have specific plans for them.
-the site to register for the Elim Christian Services 5K run is now up. I still have to go and register. If you want to join us, it is the 2nd weekend in May. I've also registered for a Warrior Race in Minnesota that is a 5K obstacle run.
-we're headed to the Franje farmstead over Spring Break for the wedding of Nate and Mandy
-I've picked up teaching of Sunday School to the Jr/Sr class and we're doing a Ray Vander Laan series
-I'm still no speedster in the mile, but I have now been able to run it in under 10 minutes on multiple tries. My second mile time is also diminishing, and this is all while being stuck inside. I can't wait for it to get warmer.
-we had a meal prepared for us by the Deek's and it is really tasty
That's about all I can think of for now.
Week 17
Welcome to Karissa who has actually subscribed to our blog, although since we really haven't told anyone about it, I'm not sure how anyone could subscribe to it :-)
Things are progressing along quite well, I think. We don't have another appointment until the 17th, so we have only the book to go by with the progress of our baby. It says we are now at 4.5 - 4.75 inches, and if you lay your hand flat, that's about the size of the baby. We haven't felt any movements yet, but this is the earliest stage at which we should feel movements. So, hopefully soon we will. I can't wait to go to the Doc's on the 17th to hear the heartbeat and get a new picture of the little one.
Here's something that you'll want to read Rebecca, the pain in your side you've been feeling occasionally, it is called Round-Ligament Pain. Here's the quote: "round ligaments are attached to the sides of the uterus and pelvic wall, during pregnancy and the growth of the uterus, these ligaments are stretched and pulled. Your movements can stretch and pull these ligaments, causing pain or discomfort. It doesn't signal a problem, it only indicates your uterus is growing (that's good to know). Pain may be on one side or both sides, and doesn't harm either you or the baby. Laying down can relieve the pain."
Tip for week 17 - Leg cramps, which you don't have but you do have restless legs, can be diminished by laying on your side and with careful stretching exercises. Bananas are an excellent source of potassium, which will help reduce cramping, so I'm glad we've started eating them.
Dad Tip - Offer your wife tension-relieving muscle-relaxing head, back and foot massages.
The book talks about a lot of other stuff this week. It focuses quite a bit on a Vegetarian diet and the do's and don'ts of such a diet while pregnant. Then it talks of a Doula. I had never heard of this. A doula is basically a woman you pay to help you through the pregnancy in place of your husband and/or mother. I think this is directed more at single mothers or those with incredibly un-supportive husbands. Then there is a long list of 'alternative' techniques.
Exercise for Week 17 - sit on the floor with your legs out in front of you and 'walk' forward on your buttocks a few paces and then 'walk' back to the starting spot. This strengthens your abs and lower-back muscles.
Babe, I can't wait until you're done with your proficiency exam so that we can focus on each other and focus on getting our home ready for the coming baby. Sure, we've got 5 months to go, but that time will fly by in a hurry.
Love to you!
Things are progressing along quite well, I think. We don't have another appointment until the 17th, so we have only the book to go by with the progress of our baby. It says we are now at 4.5 - 4.75 inches, and if you lay your hand flat, that's about the size of the baby. We haven't felt any movements yet, but this is the earliest stage at which we should feel movements. So, hopefully soon we will. I can't wait to go to the Doc's on the 17th to hear the heartbeat and get a new picture of the little one.
Here's something that you'll want to read Rebecca, the pain in your side you've been feeling occasionally, it is called Round-Ligament Pain. Here's the quote: "round ligaments are attached to the sides of the uterus and pelvic wall, during pregnancy and the growth of the uterus, these ligaments are stretched and pulled. Your movements can stretch and pull these ligaments, causing pain or discomfort. It doesn't signal a problem, it only indicates your uterus is growing (that's good to know). Pain may be on one side or both sides, and doesn't harm either you or the baby. Laying down can relieve the pain."
Tip for week 17 - Leg cramps, which you don't have but you do have restless legs, can be diminished by laying on your side and with careful stretching exercises. Bananas are an excellent source of potassium, which will help reduce cramping, so I'm glad we've started eating them.
Dad Tip - Offer your wife tension-relieving muscle-relaxing head, back and foot massages.
The book talks about a lot of other stuff this week. It focuses quite a bit on a Vegetarian diet and the do's and don'ts of such a diet while pregnant. Then it talks of a Doula. I had never heard of this. A doula is basically a woman you pay to help you through the pregnancy in place of your husband and/or mother. I think this is directed more at single mothers or those with incredibly un-supportive husbands. Then there is a long list of 'alternative' techniques.
Exercise for Week 17 - sit on the floor with your legs out in front of you and 'walk' forward on your buttocks a few paces and then 'walk' back to the starting spot. This strengthens your abs and lower-back muscles.
Babe, I can't wait until you're done with your proficiency exam so that we can focus on each other and focus on getting our home ready for the coming baby. Sure, we've got 5 months to go, but that time will fly by in a hurry.
Love to you!
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