1st Anniversary North Carolina

1st Anniversary North Carolina
North Carolina 1st Anniversary

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Week 24 - 30

WOW am I behind.  I'll do a quick catch-up and then post more.

Dad Tips

Wk 24 - Find prenatal classes and register
Wk 25 - Do the shopping, or at least help with the shopping
Wk 26 - Take your wife on a date, remind her how beautiful she is, take a photo to remember her loveliness
Wk 27 - Do the difficult chores, like cleaning the tub or toilet, put high things away for her
Wk 28 - Feel for movement of the baby, as dad should be able to feel it now too
Wk 29 - Start making plans for Paternity Leave!
Wk 30 - Start planning your work so that you can take part in the final months of the pregnancy


Wk 24 - Heartburn is caused by overeating and eating too late at night, skip the bedtime snack
Wk 25 - Let the man know he is an important source of emotional support during the pregnancy
Wk 26 - Rest on your LEFT side as it provides the best circulation to the baby
Wk 27 - Take a childbirth education class
Wk 28 - Start planning the trip to the hospital, what if the man isn't around, who are you gonna call?
Wk 29 - Listen to the advice of your doctor, it is for the good of the baby
Wk 30 - Maintain good posture as it will relieve your lower-back pain and discomfort


Wk 24 - Stand against something solid, lift your leg, hold your ankle and stretch your quadriceps
Wk 25 - Sit upright in a chair, arms crossed and raised in front of you, lift a leg at a time to strengthen your abdominals
Wk 26 - Get in the ab crunch position and do crunches holding behind your knees to limit the range of motion
Wk 27 - Do creative exercises, i.e.; calf raises, side lunges, clench your buttock muscles, Kegel exercises, tighten your abs
Wk 28 - Sit upright in a chair, hold the seat, extend your leg in front of you to parallel the floor, strengthens your thighs and stretches your hamstrings
Wk 29 - Kneel on the ground with your feet under you and toes on the ground, press your toes into the ground stretching your feet and calves, helping to eliminate leg cramps
Wk 30 - Sit upright in a chair, hold a towel above your head, shoulder width apart, twist to the side as far as is comfortable, stretches the spine and strengthens your shoulders and upper back muscles

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